Prof. Dr. Lyubima Despotova-Toleva, PhD is university professor and the chairman of the Bulgarian Long-term and Palliative Care Society. She holds diplomas for acquired specialties in pediatrics, general medicine, health management, certificate of medical law, she has also completed a specialization in pediatric cardiology. She has specialized, conducted research and was a guest lecturer at leading universities in a number of European countries, England, USA, Japan, Iceland, etc. Prof. Lyubima Despotova-Toleva is the author of over 30 monographs, textbooks and manuals, over 130 scientific publications and about hundred quotes in Bulgarian and foreign specialized publications. She has been a scientific supervisor of successfully defended PhD students and others at a different stage of their doctoral studies. She teaches general medicine to medical students and specialist doctors, conducts postgraduate training courses aimed at a wide range of specialists, incl. in the field of pain management and palliative care. She speaks German, English, Russian, uses French. Prof. dr. Lyubima Despotova-Toleva is a permanent member of the World Organization of General Practitioners WONCA, a Board Member of EMA and EGPRN, a permanent member of the International Association of Hospice and Palliative Care /IAHPC/, World Hospice and Palliative Care Alliance /WHPCA/, National Association of General Practitioners in Bulgaria /NAGPB/, Bulgarian Medical Association and others. She is an organizer of international and national scientific congresses, conferences, seminars, etc. and editor-in-chief of the Folia Palliatrica journal.